ou will write a research paper about the demographic transition model and global food production and distribution for a growing human population to meet global food security goals. You must use APA format for the paper and documentation. Include the foll

3 pagesou will write a research paper about the demographic transition model and global food production and distribution for a growing human population to meet global food security goals. You must use APA format for the paper and documentation.Include the following:Describe the demographic transition model and how it was developed by demographers.Describe the 4 phases of demographic transition.For each phase, compare crude birth rates (CBR) to crude death rates (CDR), and state whether the population is stable, growing, or declining in each. ·According to demographers, what factors lead to a decline of the CDR in phase two and the CBR in phase three of the demographic transition? ·Briefly describe 3 living conditions in developed countries that have reached phase four, and contrast them with these same conditions in developing countries that remain in earlier phases.Note: When comparing and contrasting, include details for each of the entities being compared and contrasted. For example, if comparing availability of clean water in a developed country, contrast availability of clean water in a developing country.Research and describe a program for developing countries that would help improve 1 of the 3 conditions that you compared.Food security means that everyone has an adequate amount of nutritious food to lead healthy lives. Research and describe 1 specific program that helps developing countries reach food security goals.

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