Organizational Behavior: Evaluating Correct Interpretation
Discuss about the case study Organizational Behavior for Evaluates the Correct Interpretation.
The following study evaluates the correct interpretation of information and its possible hindrances. As such, identifying these factors shall assist the management of the organization in preventing any existing discrepancy that has been existing in the business entity. However, misinterpretation of data shall lead to distortions of data and developing biasness. This is especially important for the manufacturing process, marketing and the distribution process of the organization. Clay-Williams et al. (2015) mentioned that it is essential for the business entity to interpret authentic market information to assist the business entity in developing the organizational processes of the business entity. To create unbiasness in the interpretation of the information, it shall be necessary to conduct in-depth market research to gather market related data.
As such, this shall assist the business enterprise in attaining the pre determined goals and the objective of the business entity. Therefore, it becomes necessary to identify the factors that shall have an impact on the operational processes of the business entity. In this regard, McShane (2012) noted that overcoming such obstacles should be essential to make appropriate business decisions in the long run. As such, developing strategies in the long run shall be essential to overcome the threats that shall affect the market demand of the organization. Moerdyk (2015) mentioned that these strategies must include implementing advanced technology mechanisms that shall have an influence on the data gathering and interpretation procedure. Market trends and perception are the factors that can hamper the data interpretation procedures in the organization.
Gathering and interpreting information is an essential part of the decision making process. Thus, this is an essential part of the decision making process of the management of the business enterprise. However, Fitzgerald (2014) noted that there are different factors that shall affect the decision making process of the management of the organization. These include the vulnerability in the external market conditions as well as the consumer choices and the preferences of the buyers. In the decision making process of the management, there are certain factors that shall have an impact on the management of the enterprise. As such, it is essential for the management of the enterprise to determine the the factors that can enable business organizations to overcome this threat. According to Eib et al. (2013), the management of the enterprise shall have to interpret the market information of the organization to forecast the sales revenue of the organization.
Factors Hindering Decision Making Process
In this regard, it can be said that therefore, it is necessary to identify the attributes that shall have an impact on the operational policies of the business enterprise. The management of the business enterprise shall also have to consider the external market environment that is beyond the control of the organization. Therefore, such attributes include the economic condition of the region and the purchasing ability of the buyers. These factors shall have an impact on the consumer behavior as well as their choices and the preferences. Therefore, it is necessary that the business enterprise overcomes such factors to make the data gathering and interpretation processes in an appropriate manner .
The following are the factors that can pose a hindrance to the decision making process of the organization
Market trends – The market trends of the organization are ever changing. Thus, interpreting information shall assist the business entity in forecasting the market trends, and therefore responding appropriately for organizational growth. However, this shall not be possible in a rapidly changing environment that would hamper the data interpretation process adopted by the business entity.
External environmental attributes – The external market environment shall constitute of factors that are beyond the control of the company. It is necessary to collect appropriate data about the market condition in which the organization operates. Eib et al. (2013) mentioned that factors like inflation, unemployment should have a substantial impact on the sales revenue of the organization. In this regard, it can be said that thorough analysis of the market conditions shall be necessary in overcoming the factors to facilitate better decision making in the organization.
Nature of the business segment – The nature of the business segment shall have an impact on the data interpretation process. Teh and Sun (2012) mentioned that some industries are more static which makes the data gathering process easier than others. Therefore, the interpretation shall not be distorted that can lead to biasness among the employees of the organization. Xerri and Brunett (2013) mentioned that to facilitate organizational growth and accurately forecast consumer behavior this shall be essential to judge information with an open mind to prevent any biasness among the employees. Thus, distortation of facts is common in business segments that operate in a vulnerable market environment. Thus, the business entity has to make appropriate business policies that shall assist the business entity as per the business segment in which the firm is operating.
Steps to Gather Pertinent Information
Perception – Perception is the distinct image and attitude of consumers towards a brand. The perceiver that includes the attitudes, motives and the interest of the buyers. The core constituents of the pereception are the perceiver, target as well as the situation. DuBrin (2013) mentioned that the perception theory is the attribution theory, fundamental attribution error as well as the self-serving basis. These theories shall enable the business entity in developing absolute interpretation of information. In this regard, it can be said that the operational policies of the business enterprise. Miner (2015) mentioned that there exists a link between the perception and the individual decision process of the organization. Thus, the factors affecting the operational processes of the organization shall have to be identified that hampers the data interpretation process in the organization.
The following steps are necessary to gather pertinent information from the buyers.
Source – To interpret the information accurately, one has to indentify the authentic source of information. Sometimes this is not possible to identify the source that shall provide authentic information. Consumer data obtained may have mixed opinions from the management of the business enterprise. This shall not be enough for the business entity to facilitate effective data interpretation procedures leading to organizational growth and sustainability in an increasingly competitive market. According to Duple sis (2014), it is necessary to identify the proper source of information in order to make effective business decisions for the buyers. In the global market, various sources of information can positive affect the business sustainability of the buyers. However, there are certain hindrances that can affect the gathering of information for the buyers in the market. Thus, the business enterprise has to invest substantially in research and development to overcome the factors that can pose a threat to the smoother business operations in an organization . .
Channels of communication – It is essential to develop proper channels of communication to develop clear flow of communication from the top management of the organization. In this regard, it can be said that this shall assist the business entity in developing coordination and balance among the different departments working in the business organization. These factors shall help the business entity in overcoming the factors that can help the business sustainability of the organization.
Definite goals and objectives– Kumar and Sundareshan (2015) mentioned that it is necessary to establish clear goals and objective so as to facilitate proper execution of the goals and the objectives of the business enterprise. This would assist the business entity to overcome the pertinent threats that shall have an impact on the future business growth and sustainability in an intensely competitive market environment.
Identification of factors – It is necessary to identify the factors that shall have an impact on the operational policies of the business enterprise. Solomon et al. (2013) mentioned that such attributes include the local culture and traditions s well as the presence of the substitute products in the market. The influential factor also include the ever changing market environment which is subjected to various external influences. Xerri and Brunetto (2013) mentioned that in the process of identification of the factors, help shall be taken from the professionals who possess intense market knowledge. Therefore, this shall help the business enterprise in taking appropriate business decisions as per the market condition and the organizational goals and the objectives. Shajahan (2015) mentioned that interpreting actual data should lead on depending on factors that can offer misleading information. Therefore, information shall be gathered from a trusted source that can hamper the business sustainability of the organization.
Gathering of data – The collection of data is an important part of the decision making process. As such, this shall assist the business entity in making appropriate business decisions as per the long-term goals and the objectives of the business enterprise. Fink et al. (2012) mentioned that To avoid any discrepancies an in-depth data collection process shall be followed to assist the business organization in taking appropriate business decisions. The data that is to be collected can be divided into primary and secondary data. The primary data is gathered through the market experts and interviewing various customers. As such Kumar and Sundareshan (2015) noted that this shall enable the business enterprise to gather the valuable opinions of people coming from different sections of the society. As such, this shall positively affect the gathering of the decision making process of the management.
Interpreting information – The gathering of information is a two-staged process. The interpreting of the information shall have to analyze the appropriate information as per the objectives of the business enterprise. Besides this, Robinson (2013) noted that the filtering of data should enable the business entity to collect appropriate data as per the purpose of the organization. The interpreting of information can be achieved through applying various techniques to aid the business growth and the sustainability. Applying advanced technology mechanisms shall ensure smoother communication techniques shall help the business entity to interpret information in an authentic manner.
Purpose, mission and vision of the organization – The organizational purpose, mission and vision shall have to consider in framing the operational processes of the organization. As such, this shall enable the business entity in interpreting the information as per the organizational needs and the goals of the business entity.
Alternate business strategies – There must be alternative strategies that can be implemented d if the existing operational policies are not good enough to overcome the factors that can affect the data interpretation process in the organization. Various alternative procedures include innovation and the implementation of the advanced technology mechanisms that can help the business enterprise in the path of recovery.
Consumer feedback – It shall be necessary to gather consumer feedback in developing the data interpretation procedure in the organization. As such, getting proper views from the consumers shall assist the business organization in overcoming obstacles that shall have an influence on the operational policies of the business organization. This would assist the business entity in getting appropriate data relating to the market and its principal competitors.
It can be said that interpretation of information shall have a critical role to play in setting up of the marketing and the operational processes of the organization. However, the interpretation of data can be restricted through various attributes like vulnerable economic condition of the business entity. As such, this shall help the business enterprise in developing fair and transparent business policies that can enhance the market condition of the business enterprise. To overcome the market threats, alternative resource development as well as executing the business functionalities as per the goals and the objectives of the organization. Adoption of the advanced technology mechanisms shall assist the business enterprise in filtering and interpretation of information as per the market needs. Developing proper perception is one of the ways through which the business organization can a attain appropriate market data. However, the market trends remains the primary attribute through which the organization has to consider in framing the data interpretation procedures in the organization . The management has to ensure that there is no biasness or pre-conceived notions before interpretation of any information.
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