New Look On Knowledge Management: Analysis Of Manic Marketers

Success of Interview Activity

Discuss about the Knowledge Management for Theory, Practice, and Cases.

The knowledge management is the capability to obtain, create, keep and distribute the information within the firm’s source. The knowledge management is also used to obtain tactical and strategic benefits in the overall process. The knowledge management is a useful aspect of the firm that can assimilate all minor and major activities that facilitate the power of making the right choice at the right time. In this scenario, we shall discuss the situations and the actors in relation to the new look on the knowledge management.

The Manic Marketers operates in its environment whereby, it has attracted a large number of customers and also job seekers. The Manic marketers offered a well-conscripted job description which was compelling for its potential job hunters whose aim is to become part of the manic marketers. The major element in open and collaborative are the expectations developers in individuals who are seeking for employment opportunities while viewing its own image, the manic marketers, being the global class knowledge environment. As a result, the manic marketers were able to disclose their secret behind their early success in its industry. The last line in the ad specified clearly that the “work is amusing as if party time for all “which means that the activity of interview by the Manic marketers to the individuals seeking for employment opportunities was carried out effectively and efficiently. Effective and efficient undertaking of the interview activity was contributed to the application of knowledge management element which promotes teams’ collaboration. The results regarding the activity, interview, was given by the manic marketers to the potential employment seekers with an objective of setting the prospects of the knowledge management framework which exists in Manic Marketers.

The activity of interview was a success which was contributed to the existence of a good organizational culture and an appropriate technology that supports the knowledge management applied by the Manic Marketers. The orientation had the management from Manic Marketers affirming whether the manic marketers’ documentation occurs by default whereas there are a large number of knowledge management structures in manic marketers that was not revealed to those individuals who were seeking for an employment opportunity. The hands-on monetary systems, approach to records running system, library with a thorough process of knowledge objectives gathering which went into records and Human Resource procedure was portrayed.

Obstacles Faced by a New Employee

The first example of the altered reality of the Manic Marketers which was completely different was observable in the week 2. The difference is clearly depicted whereby, Damon who was freshly inaugurated was unable to understand the activity at hand and Manic Marketers sections, procedures which were not clarified. The first obstacle in decoding the players in the Garabaldon Brothers project which consisted of seven individuals who all acted as the project leaders underwent the process of coding. Coding was the main barrier as there was no telephone intimation, harmonization from other team members and potential customers who were registered in coded form. For a better understanding of the transaction procedure and paper files by all the Manic Marketers stakeholders, the team members, and the clients, it took significant efforts. The knowledge management could not succeed in the Manic Marketers as the certification procedural law was never considered although the instruction book was not clear in the file’s innermost cover.

Manic Marketers control process is presumed that it is understandable by some individuals despite its myopia in the thinking process (Wang, Noe and Wang 2014, pp.978). Undertaking to code is generally in the Manic Marketers whereby, there lacks a system team coordination necessary for brief mail sharing to all the seven individuals who acted as the project leaders on Damon heading. The knowledge management is a key factor whereby, the business know-how distribution did not occur which clearly depicted the effort keener canons predicted by the Manic Marketers. Obtaining knowledge in training forums did not resemble the real work procedure, either on the employment pro-active skill existing in Manic Marketers for the first undertaking.

A mentor in a firm is an important aspect regardless of the firm’s authority ladder as it offers assistance to the less experienced individuals for the process, product, fostering the positive behavior and service know-how inputs which helps in building a trust. A mentor, therefore, requires focused purpose of transferring knowledge from one person to another and assist to come up with the solution of the problem. The mentor in this scenario of Manic Marketers is an important aspect of understanding the openings in the knowledge management outline that Damon was having hardships. The mentor can perceptibly see the various training and job problems that Damon is facing (Spector, Rosen, Richardson, Williams and Johnson 2017, p.41). The primary support is induction on training related activities whereas the experienced individuals apply that training know-how in Manic Marketers which had openings that led Damon to figure out the information which has been coded. A mentor in manic marketers was not prearranged and the support Damon obtained post orientation training was insignificant. A mentor termed some other individuals who were not of significant at all portrayed that work burden was much more and the mentors may possibly not offer assistance to Damon.

Importance of Mentors in Facilitating Knowledge Transfer

However, operational monitoring requires regular engagement procedure which portrayed expended support to the authentic, dependable and the mentee to the requirements and difficulties of the mentee. According to the Manic Marketers scenario, there is a presented distinctive opportunity for the mentor to have a better understanding on Damon’s lack of ability to connect the points and become a fragment of the majority workforce. A mentor might have carried out the various duties to assist Damon to be armed for the first responsibility of Manic Marketers. The labor procedure mentor is the perfect one as the service, process, and products that are closely hinged onto it (Simon, Van Den Dries and Wilms 2016, p.159). Effective monitoring also permits relating to dissimilar customers, negotiation patterns and delivery system which are crucial for dealing with them. There also exists a technology mentor who might be of assistance to support structures to reach out over internet and intranet, codes, knowledge management framework, business continuity planning for the systems of information technology, accessibility rules, backups, methods and the application of tools to assist in knowledge management distribution. The mentor assisting the second week could have assisted the new workforce to adjust to the work processes faster which could have resulted in a better knowledge management.

The Manic Marketers has an extensive customer base and separation of the customer’s information in a different file from that of other players who have dealt in past, transactions records by date and value. Nevertheless, it has been coded the firm’s knowledge in such a way that is not effortlessly comprehendible by Damon. In the existence of information separation in the Manic Marketers, the operations could have been streamlined. Manic Marketers hesitated in sharing knowledge and coding comprehensively that is evident from the scenario (Laudon and Laudon 2016). Damon faced many difficulties in decoding the records for the first assignment before the introduction of technological support in the Manic Marketers.

The records are the firm’s knowledge properties and the many existing sections, as well as many codifications of categorized files of a particular group of customers, is a necessity. Based on this principle, Manic Marketers has attained a high score while it lacked a file de-codification knowledge management structure. To uphold the business information secrecy among teams and in firms, Manic Marketer’s should have planned a separate coding tilt for the Garabaldon Brothers (GB) project that would have access to the existing project team members. Knowledge management structure in manic marketers would have been a unified framework for the Garabaldon Brothers project undertaking whereby, the information is updated automatically. Automatic information update would assist in the alignment of the team composition, meeting dates, venues, agenda and also its creation. Manic Marketers would have benefited from the use of coded information in connecting its old staffs with technology which would greatly assist them in keeping its overall workforce updated on daily occurrences and discussing any emerging issue for the well-being of the business. An effective Knowledge management facilitates easier communication between firm’s seniors and juniors through the use of technology which enables both the parties to participate in business’ meetings online.

Lack of Knowledge Management Structure and Need for Communication and Technology Integration

As per the Manic Marketers scenario, it is clear that the matter relating to organizations and culture is overvalued towards newly introduced workforce, while the old personnel’s has their own means of carrying out their activities. Manic Marketers management had no information regarding Damon’s lack of ability was unable to comprehend the activity record codes despite the existence of an opportunity whereby the mentor could have mentored Damon. The non-existence of knowledge management systems, heavily coded records and information which was not distributed accordingly which resulted from lack of a mentor to aid in the whole process led to Manic Marketers being more of a closed knowledge administration framework. This portrays that individuals are busy to help with their projects which contributes to their lack of an opportunity to assist one another. That is, different projects teams lack no time to interact with other project teams hence they do not interact to share ideas useful for adding onto one’s know-how. Also, a more closed knowledge management is an indication that there exist very low capital levels.

The Manic Marketers record which was shared by its workforce did not documentation that was indirectly coded by the preceding owner who supports the codification in information repository canon. Nevertheless, the new personnel of Manic Marketers was unable to easily access the information which is a clear evidence that there lack necessary codes in internal knowledge source. The knowledge management system clearly shows that it has weaknesses whereby, different project team members could not assist one another hence, the need for developing an intranet group relating to the project team members and put in place an accessibility and communication supports who would drive them towards their goal achievement which is usually met through teamwork. The presence of files management which was not connected to a centralized coded firm’s knowledge source also depicts a social capital weakness (Grover and Froese 2016, p.328). Manic Marketers should, therefore, ensure that they put in place strategies simple acquisition of codes to facilitate better performance by all the personnel, whether old or new staffs.

Customer-centric model is one of the strategies which the Manic Marketers can use to share knowledge. Customer-centric model is a driven demand and alignment of various activities in a single (Geisler and Wickramasinghe, 2015, p.106). A customer-centric model may be customized into customer particular knowledge management systems which link the knowledge management, communication and intranet whereby, all the three elements in a customer-centric model will permit accessing various websites with an aid of passwords for the purposes of corporate security. Also, the elements of a customer-centric model, the knowledge management, communication, and intranet will facilitate data caption, storage, and easy retrieval.


Conclusively, the Manic Marketers should consider restructuring its knowledge management system thoroughly. A well-redesigned knowledge management system will facilitate better performance by the Manic Marketers (Becerra-Fernandez and Sabherwal, 2014, p.73). A better performance will be obtained through proper sharing of information relating to the corporate and set goals achievement whereby, all the employees are able to obtain adequate information. The workforce personnel is also able to give back his or her opinions through the use of intranet.


Becerra-Fernandez, I. and Sabherwal, R., 2014. Knowledge management: Systems and processes. Routledge.

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