Marketing & AD W5 A1

For this assignment, you will research and discuss five different kinds of media. Please include the following:Outdoor Media: Provide a brief description of outdoor media, identifying its unique characteristics. Then, locate one example of outdoor media, explain who the main target market is, and provide samples of advertising costs.Print Media: Provide a brief description of print media, identifying its unique characteristics. Then, locate one example of print media, explain who the main target market is, and provide samples of advertising costs.Broadcast Media: Provide a brief description of broadcast media, identifying its unique characteristics. Then, locate one example of broadcast media, explain who the main target market is, and provide samples of advertising costs.Online/Web Media: Provide a brief description of online/web media, identifying its unique characteristics. Then, locate one example of online/web media, explain who the main target market is, and provide samples of advertising costs.Mobile Media: Provide a brief description of mobile media, identifying its unique characteristics. Then, locate one example of mobile media, explain who the main target market is, and provide samples of advertising costs.DeliverablesYour total research, analysis, and discussion submission should contain 300–500 words.Utilize proper MLA formatting.___________________________________________________________________________________________For this assignment, you will be using the lectures, readings, and outside research to develop a discussion of account management. In your submission, be sure to include responses to the following:What are some of the biggest challenges that account managers face?What is the relationship between the account management team and the client?What is the relationship between the account management team and the other teams within an agency?As an account manager, how would you handle an unhappy client? How would you handle an unhappy member of another agency team?DeliverablesYour total research, analysis, and discussion submission should contain 300–500 words.Use proper MLA formatting.

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