Leadership Styles For Primal Leadership
Leadership Style for a Sports Coach
Discuss about the Leadership Styles for Primal Leadership.
This assignment takes into consideration leadership behavior in the three scenarios which is discussed as follows. The three scenarios chosen for this assignment are leadership of a sports coach, leadership behavior in a sales meeting and leadership to be taken into account after an earthquake. It shall be taken into consideration that, leadership behavior or roles plays an important role in motivating as well as provide a positive attribute towards the same. In a highly competitive business environment, use of proper leadership styles or behavior shall be done so as to succeed in the near future.
With fierce competition sports has played an important role in today’s competitive environment. Players along with the coaches feel the pressure to succeed and the measure of success can be seen by either a winning or a losing particular game or a tournament. Therefore, proper leadership skills are required by the coach & the players so as to succeed in future. A sports coach motivates its players & students to use their full potential in order to have a competitive edge over its competitors (Leadership in Sports, 2016). There are many examples where in understanding the dynamics of leadership in professional sports can be seen. For example, Fassel was the head coach of NY Giants from 1997 – 2003. In his first year, Giant was 10-5. In the year 2000, the team made a record of 12-4. In the year 2003, Giants thought of replacing Coach Fassel with Tom (Sadler, 2003). In this regards, Coach Fassel demonstrated coaching leadership style and realized that, it was time for a change. Though, Tom had an autocratic leadership style and gave too many directions. Tom was brought back into the team so as to instill discipline. It is seen that, Tom portrays his leadership style in the best possible manner when and where needed. Another scenario which portrays, leadership behavior for a sports coach is discussed as follows.
The head coach of Green Bay Packers said, “Leaders are made and not born”. Leaders are made by continuous hard work and it’s not an easy task to be an effective leader. Some of the leadership & motivational tips given by Coach of Green Bay Packers are treat your players with utmost respect. It is important to understand each and every player so as to identify its strengths & weaknesses. Instructions to the players shall be given in a positive manner (Stanley, 2012). This will help the players to have high motivation levels. Share the strategy with the players, as they are the ones who have to execute the same. The relationship between a sports coach & player is of give and take. If the players know that, the coach believes in them he or she will outperform and in return might start believing in him too (Leadership in Sports, 2016).
Leadership in a Sales Meeting
The second leadership behavior scenario discussed in this section of the assignment is leadership in a sales meeting. It shall be seen that, sales leadership is one of the toughest jobs all over global today due to highly competitive business world. There are six keys for cracking a sales meeting. These have been discussed as follows. First key to crack the sales meeting is to create a visionary leadership. There is little audience who are more cynical as compared to the sales professional. Therefore, providing clear & definitive leadership is an important aspect which shall be kept in mind. The sales organization is referred to as the nosecone of leadership; therefore the issues faced by the customers or in regards to product and service will have an impact on the entire team. Secondly, to use successful metrics this marks the progress & not just the sales results (Kurnit & Lance, 2009). Thirdly, to develop talent and coach relentlessly that is to build sales opportunity across the entire sales team. Fourthly, to pay close attention to the selling roles as well as understand as to how to get involved in the sales cycles. Fifthly, to create some value in the sales process shall be practiced which would help in value creation. Lastly, in order to get success in a sales meeting high levels of motivation shall be practiced so as to reward and recognize of the sales professionals (Stanley, 2012).
The third leadership behavior scenario discussed in this section of the essay is leadership after an earthquake. The scenario takes into consideration the recent earthquake which was hit at Nepal on 25th April’2015. The death as well as destruction caused by this natural disaster was mainly due to lack of leadership followed by the Nepalese politics. Like any other leadership style, responsible leadership which refers to care and affection, problem solving & facilitation. It shall be seen that, responsible leadership style is far away from any other leadership style. It mainly engages, involving the various stakeholders together to ensure highly sustainable common grounds for the concerned. By the doing the same, it helps to integrate diversities and create a culture of togetherness and peace. Responsible leadership leads towards the realization of sustainable togetherness (Koshalek, Amatullo & Sagmeister, 2008). It is a type of a transformational leadership which helps to shift for a better solution to its stakeholders. Leadership in Nepal after the earthquake takes into consideration multiple facets. The various leadership styles contribute towards building cooperation, resilience & sustainable peace. The political leadership to be adopted after earthquake in Nepal refers to the spirit of responsibility (Kippenberger, 2002). In this case, the Nepalese politicians shall take the charge of joining hands together and care for the diseased. Some of the traits of leadership after Nepal earthquakes 2015 are irresponsible endeavor i.e. lack of timely & a sudden response to the chaotic situation. More than eight million people were died and no humanitarian assistance was provided to the same. It was seen that, the prime minister of Nepal at that time ran away to Indonesia and came back after three days of the earthquake only save his life. Same was the case with other political leaders. They were not present publicly and they did not take any responsibility for the loss occurred (Kelly, 2006). Second leadership trait after Nepal earthquake is militarism. After the earthquake, military came to support when the political leaders vanished from the battle grounds. Rescue operation in Nepal became a sole responsibility for the military men. Foreign support from various other government officials was made possible by the military men. When the security gave away to bureaucrats and security officials, high levels of corruption was seen in this regard. Corruption was seen at various levels and victims lost hope in the system. On the contrary, they protested against the government. Third leadership trait after Nepal earthquake was high levels of corruption at all levels. It was seen that, government was not able to control corruption after the earthquake hit in Nepal. Therefore, support from NGO’s and other fund raising organizations were done directly to the victims (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2002). The politicians were challenged as many of them were found involved in high levels of corruption during the rescue operation. Fourth leadership trait after Nepal earthquake is begging encouraged. At the time of crisis, people feel that begging is the best solution to come out of the loss in an effective manner. In Nepal, people were forced to sit on the streets and beg for their basic needs. Nepal is a land of diverse traditions (Hindu & Buddhism) (Goldsmith, Baldoni & McArthur, 2010). Various restrictions were sanctioned for the people of the higher castes such as Vaisya & Kshatriyas. As stated in one of the vedas, that people belonging to the upper sections of the society were deemed to enjoy the leisure’s of life & enjoy their life to the fullest. Fifth leadership trait after Nepal earthquake is opportunism. Irresponsible leadership of the political parties after the devastating earthquake in Nepal 2015 has raised many questions regarding legitimacy in public. Political parties in government lead to constitution making process without the consensus of the stakeholders. Similarly, a group of political dissidents came up to be heard during the constitution making process. After the Nepal earthquake 2015, responsible leadership was missing. Though, Nepal has practiced many leadership traits such as charismatic, spiritual, transformational, ethical & authentic but it lacked responsible leadership which was of utmost importance (Edinger, 2016). The community is yet to develop but without social responsibility Nepal will remain a victim of various types of conflicts.
Hence, it can be concluded that leadership behavior or role plays an important role in motivating as well as provide a positive attribute towards the same. In a highly competitive business environment, use of proper leadership styles or behavior shall be done so as to succeed in the near future. The essay above takes into consideration, leadership behavior in three different scenarios such as leadership of sports coach, leadership behavior in a sales meeting & leadership behavior after an earthquake.
Edinger, S. (2016). Forbes Welcome. Forbes.com. Retrieved 12 August 2016, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottedinger/2012/10/04/seven-keys-to-sales-leadership/#4bec1fee2edb
Goldsmith, M., Baldoni, J., & McArthur, S. (2010). The AMA handbook of leadership. New York: American Management Association.
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2002). Primal leadership. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press.
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Kippenberger, T. (2002). Leadership styles. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub.
Koshalek, R., Amatullo, M., & Sagmeister, S. (2008). The L.A. earthquake sourcebook. [Pasadena, Calif.]: Designmatters, Art Center College of Design.
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