Leadership Skills Of Paul, Founder Member Of Xiant Inc.


Describe abut the leadership skills of Paul, the founder member of Xiant Inc.?

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Aswatthappa (202) says that the leadership style is considered to be a universal phenomenon, which can be easily related to the business environment. Many successful companies these days practice leadership to improve the relationship with the clients and staffs. It also helps in improving production activities, and encourages the employees to adopt innovative strategies for business development. The structure of the company institutionalizes the leadership style and defines the roles of the leaders. In the other process, the interpersonal qualities of the leaders are analysed. This helps in defining the actions that is required to be implemented by the leaders for conducting the operational activities. This essay highlights the leadership skills of Paul, the founder member of Xiant Inc. Paul defines has own structure with the way he works for the organization. It was needed the perfect one in work and this trait was visible from him. (Budhwar & Sparrow, 2002)


The success of Xiant has been credited to Paul, who is also an efferent leader. Paul always believed in results of the tasks undertaken by him. This had encouraged the leader to work towards adopting and implementing effective strategies that had helped in accomplishing challenging tasks. Under his leadership, Xiant had designed and launched innovative products that were meant to serve the purpose of the end users. Some of the products were –


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Paul had the ability to lead his team and encourage to work towards the goal achievement. In this process, Paul would ensure to direct and guide the staffs to do the right tasks. It was necessary to motivate the staffs, as this will help in developing innovative products required for the getting the tasks done from the members. “Some of the many definitions include: to guide, to direct, to begin, to be chief, to influence, to command, to be the first, to go ahead of, to create a path, to show the way, to control actions, to cause progress”  (Smith, 2015)

Caulfield  (2012) says that management style of Paul is might not have followed any kind of the university texts and there are few that who can argue that the Paul unconventional leadership that is combined with the sheer genius and innate ability that is present to have the articulation of the vision and it didn’t make the Xiant worldwide success. When the unconventional leader is not following the rule of how to be a great leader then Paul says that he can learn from the leadership outlier. In the Paul, one of the leadership traits that could be seen is that of the fostering the greatness in him. Let us consider an example of where my leader of the organization named as Mr. Paul has muttered this quote with the fact that he denied three of the original six employees and also it includes that of the former friends of him stock, when the presence of the no longer assets were there for the prosperity of the company. In one of the books, 50 leaders inspirational quotes on how to corporate culture drives business success, this quote speaks of this great leader in the words of , every move have made and no kind of the matter there heartless it seems for the good and the betterment of the employees and the products and the employment. He says that it is important for an individual to follow the passion. In an interview, when he was asked about the most successful and motivational leader, then he replied that there should have passion and this passion is not alone sufficient, it has to be followed. Comparing with others, he says that when you do not love something then you can go to the extra mile and work the extra weekend where the challenges that will come will have an impact on the status quo with the fact of it. It is the work that will fulfil the large part of the life therefore, it is important that there should be everyone to go to the work they love. This is about the passion and this passion will make the great love to all and with it will come the greatness of love and life. The passion is thus described by him as something that will be the only way where one is truly satisfied with the great work and great work, as he said, was the only way to get the love towards the work you wish to do. It was all about has fearless pursuit passion that has made him to grow with the intense love and feeling that has brought about the co-founder of Xiant in year 1976. Thus he was motivated for the same for the first 10 years. The passion according to him is the love for the work where one will make a great love to its own work. (Torrington, 2002)


Allen (2011) says that one at the entire instance says Paul, requires having the true vision. This true vision lies in the fact that, if there is any kind of things that the Paul would not tolerate and then it was an employee that will never share the vision of it. After the time came, when the Xiant’s best programmer as mentioned about the requests for the newest Xiant II computer that could not have been done, the co-founder made a huge fire on him without keeping any kind of the hesitation, the true vision lies in the fact that where the jobs says that one need to be made focussed on the Xiant and made sure to the company that there is always the time to have the best output in this ratio with the conclusion of the fact that every employee need to have the constant head for that vision. Because of this, he had also made the better vision applied for it. He will always be remembered as the greatest visionary of all the time. It was his vision that had made him kept in the way that will made the company to be grow at such a large level that will make the good of the company and will bring the farsighted visions.

Creativity is a kind of thing that is instinct. With the creativity, there is always made the huge impact on these things. Xiant had a slogan and it is “think different”. It was not he who used to hire the technically engineers then he also had to hire the musicians and the poets with the artists including the historian too who were also the computer scientist. With such kind of creativity, there are various things that will make the beauty of the thoughts. Jobs finished the quote, by saying that while there is someone who will perceive them as a crazy but they are indeed the genius and we can definitely know them. The people who will be thinking of them to be crazy are enough to be like that of the genius to change the world. The jobs had quoted that the greatest artists like Picasso and Newton all have risked failure in their life and if one wants to be all great then they too need to have the risk. In the life, where there also comes the greatest failure in life. When people are all ready to face the failure in life, then there will come the time to have the time risk factors with the risks in life. In the life it is most important that there is to be served the purpose in life. If there is someone who is always keeping an eye on the profit then it’s more advisable that they should be kept the eye on product. When you focus on the great products, it will create profits. Whenever anything comes in life then one has to make it great all the way. There is sometimes when he has asked himself that whether it will make the great or not. Contingency theory of leadership deals with the technology, suppliers and distributors, government and union. In this case, Mr. Paul suitable created the technology and framed this in the way that will boost up the sure shot success to the company. Others, on the other hand, deal the technology and its devices with form care. (Boxall & Purcell, 2003)


Dessler (2003) says that Paul won over the entire planet is like that with the stunning designs and its reflection is made from the technically complex and that is yet simple to use. The devices that were remarkable were with elegant and with each of the touch of the humour there is to keep the lead in the innovation. Mr. Paul believes in the jobs aspirations that will carry with the shined and simplicity and when he made the elimination of the on/off button on iPod, then the music player that was displayed there was made at the simple steps and thus was very easy to carry with the new operations. Paul also had to make the writings on the swipe. Paul believes in the innovation and on all the launches that has made was all innovative. The products when are focused as he used to do then there will have retention time to close the dealings in the different branches. Xiant will be at the top. It is necessary that one must have the intuition and the foresight, in the present time when one of such nature and the people known’s that what people really want is to be known till they are aware of what they really need and how we show them. Software, hardware and all the content will be the intuitively one and connected to one another. Nature loves simplicity and this is what from Kepler, to Newton to jobs said. It is very important to keep the focus on the various fields. When the design in the company is to be manufactured and the company is to made run with it, then the single minded person requires. For example, with the 10 projects on the coming years and jobs stuck down it, seven lists from the list and it left the three one like ipad, iphone and ipod. Paul always used to say that one must have the intuition to learn and grasp about the technical’s and there must have the distortion and a good leader is one who makes the people to do that things which people never thought that they can do it. The leaders are known for their kind of vision they keep and always look to the best of the time coming substances where they have said that Paul looks for the passion and creativity. As aforesaid, these two factors have already been mentioned in this paper. Therefore, with the remarkable talents and how the leaders makes their representation is of such nature that will make the good to all kind of the beings and thus the company will share the good profit. (Heathfield, 2015)

The reflection of the persona of Paul is like that he believes in the adaptability. Paul has a sense of urgency. It means that whenever he spoke of life and death, it is well known for him they wait for something is always like that thing that will never cut it out. This is the reason why he always sought for the innovative reasons and the building of the products and it was so that the reasons that customers could realized it firstly. He had a vision where he never like to keep the replicate of anything, with all thing new, he look to the products and with this kind of products he wish to launch only these that were the driven factors in it. And these things will magnify the glasses of the Xiant. The visions of the jobs is like that of the person who could look to the far and meeting the demands and the requirements of the company, there will be made a kind of the huge profit or the benefit that will boost the kind of the game in this one. With this, the vision could be explained with the focus and attention of him. The most beloved part of him is that do the ability to focus and when one is able to make a focus on the one self then one will be definitely attain the success where everyone gets the time equal to that. Thus is required to keep the great things open, says Paul and has been explained earlier. In the history there are remarkable one’s that will put a force on the different parts with it. Once, there is made the time to have the success attained then will come the great things, says jobs. He was the leader of the determination and he always made a fight with the determination and such like. He has always created the loyal teams and with the run of the loyal teams he has thus made the significant in the character of the good and better outputs with the team. He always did the work in the perfect manner and with this he served the company Xiant in the manner that has given a lot to it.


Misa (2011) says that it can be concluded that Paul was a constructive leader and he always looked to the best ability and output to the Xiant. It was he who with his certain traits and qualities has never tolerated anything that hinders the success and such like things in the very nature. As the co-founder of Xiant, he was well-known for his kind and pleasing personality where he has always seen the good of the many and with the products launch he believed in the successful completion of the company with the delivered ratios. In this time, where the companies have a large competition in the market and there are many giants companies that are emerging then the foremost things that is observed is that there is need to have the placement and cells that will make the company at the very large. (Mullins, 2005)


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