Leadership Paper Teacher Charles only

Assignment 1: Discussion—Teams/Groups ConsiderationsContinuing on the journey of individual differences, leaders and managers face an increasingly diverse workforce. Not only are diverse individuals working side-by-side in organizations, many people are working virtually with teams from all around the world. Teams are not just groups of people sitting in a conference room but individuals who come together via technology; each individual attending a team meeting can join in from an office or cubicle potentially located anywhere in the world. In such a virtual environment, there is always the possibility of conflict due to the diverse nature of the meeting participants.Consider the aforementioned aspects, and using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the challenges, benefits, and impacts related to teams or groups. Then, respond to the following:Discuss the varied challenges faced by leaders or managers concerning teams made of a diverse workforce. Include considerations such as how some team members might be from different countries or how the teams might meet virtually.Explain how factors related to internal and external teams (participants both from within the same room and those attending virtually) may affect organizational behavior.How can these internal and external factors be constructively managed to enhance not only team performance but also organizational performance?By Saturday, February 18, 2017, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through Wednesday, February 22, 2017, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses.Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuationDo the following when responding to your peers:Read your peers’ answers.Provide substantive comments bycontributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;building on the remarks or questions of others; orsharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiencesRespond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.Make sure your writingis clear, concise, and organized;demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; anddisplays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Grading Criteria

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