issues in criminal justice group project phase 3

PAPER WILL BE WRITTEN FROM THE PROSPECTIVE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYGroup Project: presented with a problem involving multiple agencies, each student assumes an agency role and a project role to identify a collaborative, optimal solution. Individually, each student will present an agency description, the agency’s perspective and role, and research the available resources. Students will then form groups, and each group will present a collaborative, optimal solution. In the last week of class, each group will present the consequences for not finding or not fully implementing the solution. Throughout this project each student is to assume the character (role play) of the leader of their assigned component agency when dealing with their counterparts from other agencies within their jurisdiction.Phase 3 – Research/Resource Availability The student will identify and describe the resources available to their designated COURTS for addressing the Group Project problem.What resources are available within the agency to address the Group Project problem?What resource shortfall precludes a more effective response?What data (identify and summarize) supports their current role or level of involvementWhat data (identify and summarize) may dictate a change in that role.The student will submit a 3 page paper describing the resourced and data available to their designated criminal justice component to include the considerations referenced above. This description will be supported by 2 outside resources.Formatting the Group Project papers:Individual papers will include a heading identifying the student, the number and title of the class and Project Phase the paper is addressing and the date of submission.Group papers will include a cover page (not included in the page count), identifying the number and title of the class, the Group designation, students in the Group and their criminal justice agency, and the date of submissionAll papers will be double spaced, with 1-inch margins, and 12 font type.Resource page (not included in the page count) Resources other than course instructional material must be referenced using APA formatting.At the instructor’s discretion, this project may be submitted to Turnitin or other service for verification of originality.

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