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the following table and include it within your Week 3 Firm Location Analysis paper OR create a separate PowerPoint presentation for the indicators listed in the table.  If you choose a PowerPoint presentation, your team needs to devote one slide to each economic indicator and the required information for each indicator listed in the table (nine total slides), and your team still needs to submit an MS Word document with the other elements of this assignment as described below.Please note: If you choose the table option, then you will only earn credit for the table if it is included within your paper.  Do not submit this table as a separate document.  Also note: To earn credit for this table (or PowerPoint presentation), you must gather information from either the following sources: (1) Bureau of Economic Analysis (GDP, Personal Saving Rate, Investment), (2) Bureau of Labor Statistics (inflation rate, productivity, number of unemployed), and (3) the Federal Reserve (prime interest rate, exchange rate) or from the St. Louis Federal Reserve web page at, which is referred to as FRED.Please note: FRED compiles information from Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Federal Reserve, so using FRED can be a shortcut for you.To earn credit for this table, you must also provide the specific web page address where you found the information.Hint: In the second column of the table, you will see some words in grey.  Those words are hints to the type of data you need to post in the first column.  When you compile your table, you should delete those words.Good luck!

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