History Research Paper

I will be providing the newpapersNEWSPAPERS must be used for this project, not magazines, books or other sources, nor books about newspapers. Read and review articles from each of the two newspapers, describing what the articles are about and your own reaction to them. Prepare a typewritten paper of at least 2 full pages of text, double spaced, font size 12, standard one inch margins, on each newspaper (for a total of at least 4 pages of text for the project in addition to the cover page). Be certain to include the NAME AND DATE of each of the newspapers you are reviewing. There will be a significant reduction in your grade if the name and date of the newspapers are not included in your papers. Also prepare a cover page with your name, the course name, and the date. You may choose to research an event such as D-Day, Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Titanic, the day after President John Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or John Lennon were killed; the events after September 11, etc.

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