History 1 Politisc final exam and politisc forum with 3 reply
HISTORY !HISTORY 101Question 1 of 425.0 Points1. Explain why there were no major witchcraft scares in the Chesapeake colonies and no uprising like Bacon’s Rebellion in New England. Consider the possible social, economic, and religious causes of both phenomena. 2. What made Native American peoples vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers? 3. What was the role of the colonies in the British mercantilist system? 4. How did the Great War for Empire change the relationship between England and its American colonies? @1. The narrative suggests that the war for American independence was not inevitable, that the British empire could have been saved. Do you agree? At what point during the imperial crisis was peaceful compromise possible? 2. Who was to blame for Britain’s failure to win a quick victory over the American rebels: General Howe, General Burgoyne, or the ministers in London? Explain your answer. 3. Why did Britain switch to a Southern military strategy? Why did that strategy ultimately fail? 4. Why was the Constitution a controversial document even as it was being written? 1. Weigh the relative importance of the Industrial and Market revolutions in changing the American economy. In what ways was the economy different in 1860 from what it had been in 1800? How would you explain those differences? 2. In what ways did the emerging industrial economy conflict with artisan republicanism? How did wage laborers respond to the new economy? 3. Why did Protestant Christianity and Protestant women emerge as forces for social change? 4. Why did women’s issues suddenly become so prominent in American culture? 1. How did plantation crops and the slavery system change between 1800 and 1860? Why did these changes occur? 2. How did the abolitionists’ proposals and methods differ from those of earlier antislavery movements? Why did those proposals and methods arouse such hostility in the South and in the North? 3. What was the relationship between the collapse of the Second Party System of Whigs and Democrats and the Republican victory in the election of 1860? 4. In 1860, the institution of slavery was firmly entrenched in the United States; by 1865, it was dead. How did this happen? How did Union policy toward slavery and enslaved people change over the course of the war? Why did it change? Number 2.PoliticsChoose a current policy issue. Discuss this issue in terms of the stages of the policy-making process. Provide a fully developed essay of at least 500 words, and cite sources used. Click “Browse” to locate your file and then click “Upload” to upload your file. (Maximum file size: 20MB) File: Discuss the Supreme Court case, Marbury v Madison. After summarizing the facts of the case, explain the implications of it regarding the powers of the Judicial Branch. Provide a fully developed essay of at least 500 words, and cite sources used. Click “Browse” to locate your file and then click “Upload” to upload your file. (Maximum file size: 20MB) File: Number 3 Politics forum With 3 reply and use 3 refference.Select an interest group from the following list and discuss its lobbying tactics in Congress:1) AARP; 2) AFL-CIO; 3) NRA; 4) GLAAD; 5) National Right to Life.Please reference a recent news article from the last four weeks supporting your positions. Do not get sidetracked in discussions about the issues they support. Stay focused on their tactics and methods.Post by 11:55 pm Eastern time on Friday. Include citations and URLs for the sources you consulted. Provide substantive replies to the posts to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern time on Sunday. Please see the rubric linked below for grading standards. Assignment responses should be no less than 300 words and no more than about 500 words, while student replies should be no less than 150 words and no more than about 300 words.Remember that a 300-word post and 150-word replies are the bare minimum requirements to earn a grade of a “C” or higher, but they will not automatically result in an “A” for a grade. Again, please review the rubric for details.