Governance In Globalizing World

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This essay aims to demonstrate the social responsibility, share holder rights and community engagement. In the corporate social responsibility, it works in the ethical way has grown from the zero to the 19 million in last 27 years. There is no doubt that a phenomenal success story occurs with real responsibility they have the responsibility to act with integrity and to help the company test their employees in terms of employee’s skills and talents. When it talks about customer’s privacy and safety, it relates to decrease the carbon footing or to interact with the people about the same in the respective community. It really matters how Vodafone runs its business and every organization depends on its employees to succeed.Vodafone UK, for example, is the part of the Vodafone group and it is one of the largest mobile communications that provides the voice and gives the text and internet services in more than 30 countries and when the partnership was created then it build the better governance with 404 million customers. (Attewell, 2005)

Secondly, the shareholders of Vodafone has rights to receive the 102 p share with the mobile phone group where the stake is at wireless US group Verizon that costs up to $130 billion. The shareholders rights are guaranteed and it is known from the fact that there occurs detailed payout. This begins with the total of £49.4 bn and there is a framed policy that each of the investor or the shareholder receives 30p in cash that is added with the .026 Verizon communication shares and it is worth that 72 p is at the current price and also that of the exchange rate. At the same time, Vodafone has shares that need to be consolidated with the small number and it is also the share price that proceeds after and before the wireless Verizon.

Thirdly, community engagement of the Vodafone is that community means here the various employees who works in the Vodafone are all treated equally. The diversity and the inclusion continue to remain at the top priority that there is recognized the value of the proposition and that there is the varied work force with which the community will start growing at the fast pace. It is always aware that it requires the continue efforts that are to be are put in order to have the effective community engagement at Vodafone company. In the overseas countries like New Zealand, Britain, Australia and such like the company has the staff and it runs with the proper segmentation. With 14.4% of the work force where there are working women, there is also the changing of mindset with respect to the respective culture. The right eco system has arrived in order to have the good community engagement that has experienced with .95% of the people who attended the workshops.

There is a board that has set up in order to look up the affairs and it consists of 13 directors and 12 of whom are known as the best throughout the year. On 4th march, 2013 and in addition to the chairman Gerard, there were having the presence of three executive directors and nine non-executive directors, it runs with the moral and the ethical code with which there is framed the certain kind of the new policies. It runs with the moral and the ethical code through which there new policies could be reframed. Vodafone is one of the biggest telecom sectors and the service provider of UK that has the market value of 75 billion in the year June, 2008. It has currently shared no equity interests in 25 countries and the partner networks. These networks do not create any kind of equity and thus, the stakes are also not present in further 42 countries. The name Vodafone itself has been derived from the voice data fone, that helps to reflect the provisions and relates to the data services and also from the voice from the mobile phones. It has also proposed the agreement for the acquisition of 67% in Hutchison Essar limited and it is approximate US$11.1 billion. At the same time, it is said that the company has sold back 5.6% of Airtel stake back to Mittals. (Anttila, 2006)

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Corporate Governance Frameworks

The effective corporate governance has always been the integral part of the successful delivery of the business goals similarly as Vodafone. Vodafone operates with the well developed governance that runs with the governance framework designed with high transparency and honesty with an informed approach. It is also mentioned that the clear standards are developed for everyone. The board has been set up and in case of Vodafone; the leader’s role has been set up to appoint the right person with the right strategy. They could provide effective assessment and management to handle the business risks carefully. There is a need to develop the strong alignment of the strategies in the company so that the task can be profitable with the accomplishment. (Anastopoulou, 2002)

Vodafone when is experienced from the agency approach, it looks like the development and training programs where people are offered to achieve their career goals and tasks. The company ensures that they will lead to success in the future.

Employees review their performance in the Vodafone with the performance and also the development plans that are through the annual performance design and also it is associated with the dialogues. The development programmers works to achieve something new in the organization and it includes learning, training that arise with the formal training, job experience and mentoring. The agency approach represents the work of employees, so the employees focus on their functional disciplines with regards to social networking. Thus, it also includes human resource and marketing with respect to supply chain and technology.

As per the feedback given to the Vodafone Company, it always consumes huge time to receive the feedbacks from the external stakeholders. The major aim for Vodafone and its stakeholders are to create profits from the process in an organization. When there is no kind of agreement or response, it explains that there is honesty and trust among the two. The stakeholders include the investors, employees and suppliers and there all are directly related to the business and make the affect on the business performance also, the consumers and enterprise customers that are with the small and the big businesses and the organizations are mentioned. There are huge numbers of people who will look at their community network infrastructure and provide their views on it. Non-governmental organizations and others are concerned about the issues / government and the regulators too can be seen in the business through new legislation and regulations. It is said that they tailor their engagement process with the stakeholder group. For example, with the investors, they have a meeting with them about the events and they even look for the conference calls and one on one interaction is held to understand the concerns about sustainability and to mention the identified potential issues. (Andersen, 2004)

The three selected features that includes are social responsibility, 
share holder rights and the community engagement. These features have already been explained in the assignment. The social responsibility deals with the fact that there is a chance to deal with the responsibility where the Vodafone Company will look into the affairs in the right manner and proper sequence. The community management represents how the company will look for the best of the organization where all the employees and stake holders are the part of an organization. Similarly, share holders are given certain rights and with these rights, they enjoy their tasks and fulfill them successfully. (Bryan, 2010)

Agency Approach

Vodafone has 10% of the world market for the mobile telephony and it achieves safeguarding of the rights of the customers for setting up of proper objectives where the way will be planned for the assurance of meetings. When the customers are first taken as the stakeholders, then, the reputation at large organization will depend on the learning that will develop trust on the customers and they rely on important aspects. The content standards mean that there is the large contest that is made available in the online in the mobile phones and Vodafone has simply introduced the supervisory body. It has also designed the reasonable marketing that makes sure that the communications are always legitimate in order to have the fair dealings in the communication in the Vodafone technology. There are decent, authentic and sensitive views with respect to different groups in the society along with the pricing policies etc. (Alexander, 2010)

When the first company was set up then the first thing that appears as the challenge was that Vodafone UK reveals that parents do not have knowledge of the types of the content that was made viable via mobile phones. As a survey was made of all the adults, then it was believed that there were restrictions with regards to the adult on the mobile phones and it has also assumed that the there is self regulation in terms of operators in the UK. The code was thus framed and it required the operators to reduce fewer than 18s. Thus, the biggest ethical challenge was associated with the same.

In the similar way, some of the game that occurred at the phones and he 
downloaded from it that was also not done properly and mangers were possessed to the challenge, the ethical one. The access of those commercials contents are, being classified as the unsuitable ones. Therefore, with respect to the change with time, the more the ethical challenges have emerged; the various researches have shown its uses. (Adkins, 2008)


Vodafone is one of the biggest telecom companies in this sector. With the time coming on, it has shown its entire relevancy with the new emerging technology. In the recent times, the various new things have been adopted by the Vodafone where it has shown how fast has been the technology and its uses. In this time, the Vodafone is emerging as the giant in the telecom sector. For example, in UK Vodafone works with the government by making the partnership and also with the police and others industry to combat the mobile phone crime. In this age, it also advises the customers and the community on how to make the protection of the phones and with it, there will be prevention of the fraudulent use. It has also banned the uses of phone at the time of driving. Therefore, the company Vodafone has designed few steps for proper use of the mobile phones all over the world.


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