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Use these website and outside to write a paper. I need three body paragraphs. Let me know if websites work. crisis does cause teens to run away from homeThesis: Family crisis is the major cause of teens running away from home. Family crisis causes are parents’ separation or divorce, misunderstandings among the parents, and lack of bonding between the parents.        I.            Parent separation or divorce A.    Family changes1.      Separation leads to family changes such as changes in routines, the teen may be forced to carry out tasks that he or she was not used to, or does not know how to perform such task 2.      Absence of one parent from home can lead to loneliness making the teenager to run away. The teen may not be in good terms with the parent he is left with causing many misunderstandings.3.      Divorce or separation may cause a change on how special occasions were celebrated due to the absence of a parent. This change may make the teen to feel out of place causing him or her to run away.B.     Arrival of a step-parent 1.      After separation or divorce, the parent who has the teen’s custody may enter into another relationship and the teen may experience less attention from the stepparent. Lack of attention from the step parent may make the teen to run away.2.      The teen may fear that bad thing may happen if there is frequent fight from the stepparent. Fights and quarrels make the teen that he or she is not wanted at home     II.            Parents misunderstandingA.    Teenage changes and developments1.      Parents may not understand the changes and developments that are going on in their teenage life leading to constant criticizing of the teen’s behavior.  Parents’ criticizing the can make the teen feel out of place and run away from home Peer pressure may also influence Lack of  parental support 1.      Lack of support and love from the parents can cause the teen to run away from home.  A demoralized teen can easily run away from home because he or she is less motivated from staying at home. III.            Parents’ lack of family bondingA.    Resistance at home1.      Lack of family bonding can cause a teen to feel that cause emotional struggles causing the youth to feel that they are not accepted at home. Less bonding will make the teen to look for a place where he or she is more accepted.2.      At teenage stage, children demands freedom and say in their life, resistance from their parents can lead to running away from home B.     Physical abuse1.      Strict discipline makes a teen feel that they have no choice but to run away and escape the punishment.2.      Parents constantly arguing can make the family life become unbearable for the teen causing him or her to run away .Disagreement between parents causes confusion to teens making them feel ignored and rejected.

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