
The U.S. Adversary System Please respond to the following:Analyze the key roles of the actors in the U.S. adversary system. Distinguish the role of each actor in the adversarial systems, and determine whether or not each actor brings a bias to the prosecution of a case. Provide a rationale for your response.Take a position as to whether or not you believe that “the grand jury is not an adversarial hearing” as described in this week’s reading. Support your position with a discussion on the difference between a trial hearing and a grand jury hearing, as well as on their respective merits and demerits.————————————————————————————————————————————————Sanction Mechanisms Please respond to the following:From the e-Activity, defend two (2) sanctions that the U.S. Supreme Court is able to take against prosecutors for unethical conducts. Describe two (2) types of prosecutorial misconduct that you believe can most adversely affect an innocent defendant’s case. Provide specific examples of each type of misconduct to support your rationale.Interpret the concept of backdoor evidence. Determine two (2) primary ways in which opposing counsel and a presiding judge can control this practice. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.——————————————————————————————————————————————————–E-Activity Use the Internet to research and appraise the value of the role of the U.S. prosecutor in pursuing a criminal case against a suspect from your state. Be prepared to discuss. (I live in Philadelphia)

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