Create solutions that will improve the situation at the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant. Management homework help

Write an analysis about a caseCreate solutions that will improve the situation at the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant. Include the following critical elements:Create organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues. Apply human behavior theories and concepts and validate your recommendations with supportive research evidence.Recommend strategic actions that would lead the organization in a proactive manner. Be sure to apply human behavior theories and concepts when crafting your recommendations.Use in-text citations beyond Newstrom’s text. Avoid overdependence on direct quotes. U can google this case ” Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant”    and write about it.Here is the rubric:OL Mile stone 3.pdf This work is a part the whole work. It is the continuance of another part of analysis. Here is the paper before:Mileston 2.docx Try to write follow the thinking of this paper.

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