Compare and contrast seniority (longevity) pay with merit pay. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of each, including specific examples to support your response.

Part 1:“Seniority versusMerit Pay” Compare and contrastseniority (longevity) pay with merit pay. Determine the advantages anddisadvantages of each, including specific examples to support your response.From the e-Activity,determine which type of pay structure would benefit the company or organizationthe most. Provide your rationale. Note: Minimum of 300 wordsPart 2:“The Pay-for-Performance Link”Analyze the linkbetween well-designed performance appraisals and merit pay and make at leasttwo (2) recommendations for improving the strength of that link across thegreatest number or organizations. Provide your rationale.Examine thelimitations of merit pay programs to determine which limitation is the mostdifficult to overcome and suggest ways to overcome these limitations. Providespecific examples to support your response. Note: Minimum of 300 words

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