Case Study: Conducting a HRIS Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis and HRIS System DesignA HRIS needs analysis (also called a needs assessment) should be the first step used in the planning process when selecting a HRIS. This essential activity establishes a basis for the implementation of a HRIS and can be used in conjunction with a Request for Proposal (RFP). Without a comprehensive needs analysis, vital aspects of the project may be at risk.Case Study: Conducting a HRIS Needs AnalysisChoose a company that you have worked for or one that you currently work for to use for the analysis. If you have not worked for a company, choose one that you know some basics about. Write a needs analysis where you discuss current practices and HRIS requirements. The paper needs to be 3-4-pages (not counting the cover page and reference page) that include the following paper headings, which are denoted in all caps. INTRODUCTION: Explains the content that will be reviewed in the paper. BUSINESS ASSESSMENT: Describes the business (size, structure, etc.) and if there are unknowns, make assumptions based on typical companies from similar fields and of similar size.IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS: Consider the HR problems/challenges of the organizations. Make a list of HR functions that you believe could be more efficient based on your own experience. Make assumptions if needed. Choose one HR function for analysis. HRIS NEEDS ANALYSIS: Review the shortfalls and challenges of the chosen area. Refer to the course reading for additional information on conducting a needs analysis. Answer the following: How might an HRIS application assist the business? What elements should the HRIS contain in order to help the company be more efficient and productive? CONCLUSION: End the paper with a concise summary of your findings and recommendations for next steps for the company.This paper should be 4 pages of complete content (cover page and reference page are separate) and have in-text citations. The paper will be in APA style (both in formatting the paper and reference page). One scholarly article as a minimum should be included in the paper.

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