Calculating the number of moles

THIS EXPOSES THE LEARNER TO THREE FOLD APPROACHES OF CALCULATING THE NUMBER OF MOLES, BY FORMULAE AND BY FIRST PRINCIPLES METHODSITUATION 1: CALCULATING MOLES FROM MASS.SITUATION 2: CALCULATING MOLES FROM VOLUME AND MOLAR VOLUME.SITUATION 3: CALCULATION MOLES FROM MOLARITY AND VOLUME.(a)(i) What is a mole?(ii) How do you calculate the number of moles?(b)(i) Calculate the number of moles of 6g of calcium carbonate. ( Ca=40,C=12,O=16)(ii) Given that the number of moles of sodium hydroxide are 0.05, find its mass.(Na=23,O=16, H=1)(iii) 2.5g of solid X has 0.05 moles. What is the Relative molecular mass (RMM) of X?(iv) How many copper atoms are there in copper plate weighing 48g? (Cu = 64)?(c)(i) Find the number of moles contained in 20cm3 of carbondioxide at S.T.P.( 1 mole of gas at S.T.P occupies 22.4 dm3)(ii) A gas Y occupying a vessel contains 0.0125 mole of the gas. What is the volume of Y in the vessel at R.T?( 1 mole of gas at R.T occupies 24dm3)(d) (i) calculate the number of moles in 20cm3 of 0.2M sodium hydroxide solution.(ii) 25cm3 of a solution of W contains 0.001335 moles. Calculate the molarity of W.(iii)A 0.05M nitric acid solution contains 0.00145 moles. What is the volume of this solution?(e) When a sample of calcium carbonate was heated to complete decomposition, 46cm3 of carbondioxide was produced at s.t.p. What was the mass of the calcium carbonate sample?

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