Answer the following questions

The purpose of this activity is to be able to connect the concept of analysis to writing a thesis.DirectionsReadthe following information about Thesis Statements:Thesis StatementsCreate responses to the following three items:AnswerAnswer the question “What do analysis and thesis have in common, and how do they compliment each other?” Thesis StatementWrite a thesis statement about “music, food, or college” that includes answers to the three questions that should be included in a thesis statement.Parts and QuestionName the three “parts of your thesis” and “the question” that is answered by the thesis you wrote about music, food, or college.  Avoid the types of statements that are listed as NOT being thesis statements in the reading provided.Post your paragraph to the dicussion board by clicking on the title of this activity or through the Discussion Board main menu on the left.Make sure to create 3 separate sections when posting ie. 1. Answer 2. Thesis Statement 3. Parts and Question. GradingGraded. Total Points = 10Grading RubricTo better understand how you will be assessed, follow this guide to access the Grading Rubric for this activity:Accessing the Discussion Board Grading Rubric.pdf

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