Analyzing Microsoft’s Entrepreneurial Journey
Character traits of an individual to the success of a business
Describe aboyt Microsoft. Analyse their entrepreneurial journey, from the conception of the initial idea through to start-up & growth. Discuss, with examples, whether or not your analysis supports Burns assertion?
The assignment focus on the effective leadership skills followed by Bill Gates the founder of the Microsoft. Through this work his character traits and his journey has been presented in this work. Qualified leader are ones who work hard and willingly help the followers in the company. The personal traits are required for launching the business successfully without increasing the cost for the production. But the question arises of what are the characteristics? The role of the entrepreneur plays a key role in the business expansion and development. The character of the leaders is exclusive and distinct, which makes them exclusive. Bill Gates was a dedicated leader with foresighted vision and objectives. It is often said that both the managers and entrepreneurs are born and made. They do have the personal traits and they do bear with it and they are also defined by their history and the experiences that they have. Bill Gates believed in rendering the best possible services to the clients and thus worked on the team efforts.
Bill Gates was interested in developing different software which could be used for the business development. The leader through the leadership skill encouraged the members to do the right thing at the right manner. Through communication skills the leader interacted with the members of the team. This helped in analyzing the challenges and handling the problem that existed at the workplace. The issue of the character traits of an individual with the success of the business and picking of the winners are the need to be approached with the caution. It is possible, to identify the personal traits of an entrepreneur, is not possible for them to make the link with the sort of the business that they need for.
There are three types of traits possessed by Bill Gates
Firstly, Bill Gates is known well as risk bearer which enabled him to improve the performance of the team members. Gates had signed the contract to write software in basic and other languages for IBM personal computers. Through effective strategies the program was developed and informed to the staffs.
Secondly, he believed that vision is important and he was a great convincer. He easily convinced that internet phenomenon is unbelievable and the most amazing thing that happened in the computing scenario. Through vision the leader encouraged the team members to work towards the goal that has been decided by the company. The objectives of the company have been to render the best possible services to the clients. For this, the challenges involved at the workplace were analyzed. Through this process, an attempt was made to solve the issue and introduce better strategies for improving the productivity.
Thirdly, Bill Gates was innovative in nature along with his philanthropy style where he drives interest and passion in the largest private foundation to improve the global learning and health. Gates introduced different types of innovative products through which the needs and preferences of the customers were handled in an effective manner. For this, the opportunities with the operational activities were analyzed. Through this method, an attempt was made to develop and introduced with the company.
There are three types of traits possessed by Bill Gates
When the entrepreneur might manage the business belonging to someone else, then he has to look over the mater as the respect of for at least a time. Similar, in the case of the owner manager, how will find the growth business and it is quite by the accident. Success and failure of the business comes in the mix of the different things where the character traits are one of the equations that are considered here. It takes a time for the managers and entrepreneurs to show that there is managed the business with the growth rate. There has been made much of the researches in the owner manager and entrepreneurs and they would not have been more successful.
To pick the winners, there are number of the methodological problems that deal with the attempt to measure the personality characteristics and it includes that they are not at all stable and they require the subjective type of the judgments. Bill Gates worked towards promoting the better working staffs, through which the challenging tasks at the workplace could be easily handled.
It is also believe that the managers have certain typical character traits and the emphasis is made on these characteristics. Picking winners requires being more innovative that is to say, that they must have the ability it spot opportunities and to innovate the things. Innovation is the prime tool that is sued by the entrepreneur to create or exploit the opportunity and it is the most important characteristics traits that will set apart the entrepreneurs from the owner managers. They need to be more kind of the self-confident and one need to be more confident in the judgment of their own and they most have the ability to startup their own business. It is to be approached with the caution because even the slightest lack will make these characteristics of no use. Some of the researchers also believe that entrepreneurs have to look down the delusional one. The decision making process of 124 entrepreneurs was researched where it was found that entrepreneurs were more prone to the delusion and opportunism and such like.
Bill gates, as an entrepreneur never invented any new kind of the technology and Microsoft earliest beginnings was that he always known as the master of the technology and adapting to the specific market and also he made the dominating of the nature market with the innovative program’s it was he who also astute the business skills. He also has said that success comes to him with partnership. In December, 1974, Gates fried and also the tech enthusiast showed him the magazine where it was about the world’s first microcomputer and sensing the opportunity there was also they have told the president for the company that they have the popular language basic for the Altair. In gates garage in Arizona, both started working on it. When Gates learned that IBM was looking for the new personal computer s and then he bought the existing operating system and developed the MS-DOS and licensed it to the IBM. It was also the fact that IBM created the mass market. This way the Microsoft came in existence and from startup business to till now, it has been emerging a lot with all the way.
According to Burn, what is more expected of the character traits is that they have the difference between that of the owner manager, manger and the entrepreneur and in the above mentioned case where Bill Gates had made start up business and prior to this he had made the various attempts of the successful manager, shows his insight view on how to develop the good quality of the computers. Gates possess very little master of the universe and focus on the scale of the wealth. His social ambitions are modest. Gates believed in improving the team work, and the challenges involved were analyzed in the right manner.
To create the new venture, there is a need of innovation, self-confidence, reliability, character traits and motivation factors that are very important because with these factors, the managers or the entrepreneurs will be able to decide the good and bad for their company, it is always advised to the entrepreneurs that while running different kind of the sources and companies, they are always in the need required to have faith and self-confidence that plays an essential role.
In conclusion, it is said that the personal attributes and the character traits are the most important parameters where the operating skills are needed. To run the successful business, what is most required are these two. When you do not have the skills of the carpenter, then you can’t be the carpenter and without skills you cannot make it. The smaller is the business, and then one needs to be all-rounder.
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